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CoCoRaHS Reports Offered Unique Insights into Florence

During significant weather events, on-the-ground observations often provide us with the best indications of local conditions and impacts, but we don’t just get this information...

Few Signs of Winter in a Warm, Wet February

Our recent trend of warm Februarys continued last month with above-normal temperatures across the state. The western part of the state also saw record-breaking wet...

January Remains Wet, But the Fire Hose Fizzles

The heavy rain and snow of recent months abated in January, leaving us slightly wet and warm overall. While it has been a wet winter,...

A Drenched December Caps a Record Wet Year

Precipitation continued to be the main story in North Carolina’s weather, including a record wet December that — despite a substantial wintry event early in...

A Cold, Wet November Offers a Possible Winter Preview

November in North Carolina was another wet month accompanied by the arrival of wintry temperatures and the ending of the Atlantic hurricane season, which was...

The SCOfficial 2018-19 Winter Outlook

In our previous post, we described the atmospheric patterns that could affect the northern hemisphere jet streams — and therefore our weather — this winter....

Michael Ushers in Fall in North Carolina

We nearly felt all four seasons during October, including a warm start, a mid-month tropical storm, the eventual arrival of fall, and the first frost...