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CoCoRaHS Reports Offered Unique Insights into Florence
During significant weather events, on-the-ground observations often provide us with the best indications of local conditions and impacts, but we don’t just get this information...
A Drenched December Caps a Record Wet Year
Precipitation continued to be the main story in North Carolina’s weather, including a record wet December that — despite a substantial wintry event early in...
May Was Hot and Humid with Heavy Rains
Between torrential flood-causing rainfall and warm, humid weather, it was an active and often uncomfortable May weather-wise. Our latest climate summary takes a look at...
Remembering the Surprise Spring Snow in May 1992
By early May, even North Carolina’s Mountains have usually escaped winter’s grasp. Ski resorts have closed, pastures are greening up, and spring’s final freeze has...
Record Snow or No? Behind the Scenes of a Record Event Review
Last year on our blog, we covered many of North Carolina’s historical extreme weather events, including the state record snowfall — 36 inches in 24...
From Snow Cones to Snow Showers: April 1983’s Snow and Freeze
Thirty-three years ago this week amid a warm spring in 1983, an April shower brought a record-setting springtime snow, followed by several days of sub-freezing...
Rapid Reaction: Winter’s First Major Storm Brings Snow, Sleet, Ice, and Rain
A two-day wintry event last Friday and Saturday was a classic Carolina storm, with a mixed bag of precipitation across the state ranging from heavy...