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Is El Niño a Go? The Latest on Pacific Patterns

This is the second part of our 2014-15 winter outlook series. We previously covered forecasts from folklore, and today we dip into the Pacific to...

Summer 2014 Was Mild; What Will Fall Bring?

We avoided a sweltering summer in North Carolina, but what do the numbers say about the season? Today’s post summarizes our summer, looks at current...

A Warm Start to Summer in June 2014

In North Carolina, June followed in the footsteps of May, which was warmer than normal and relatively quiet as far as severe weather goes. Warmest...

Summer 2014 Outlook: Eye on the Oceans

This is the third post in our summer outlook series. This post looks at the conditions in the Pacific, the Atlantic, and in North Carolina....

Winter 2013-14 Outlook for North Carolina

This is the final part of our 2013-14 winter outlook series, which includes our official winter outlook based on clues from global climate patterns. This...

Nothing Could Be Finer: A Look Back at our Seasonable Spring

As anyone who spent time outdoors over the past few months can attest, the idyllic spring of 2013 is one for the memory banks, and...