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The State Bakes During a Warm, Dry July

July featured the hottest weather of the year and a widespread lack of rainfall that helped Abnormally Dry conditions emerge for the first time in...

Five Burning Questions about the Second Half of 2017

We’re halfway through 2017, which means winter and spring are history and we’re at roughly the midway point of the summer. As we look ahead...

Extreme Heat Stays Away to Start the Summer

After a hot, wet spring, June was a bit cooler and slightly drier across much of the state. Below-Average Afternoon Highs Drive a Cool Month...

May Showers Seal a Wet Spring, but What Will Summer Bring?

Last month’s rains washed away any lingering drought in North Carolina and topped off the rain gauges in a particularly wet spring. Temperatures Moderate Under...

Remembering the Surprise Spring Snow in May 1992

By early May, even North Carolina’s Mountains have usually escaped winter’s grasp. Ski resorts have closed, pastures are greening up, and spring’s final freeze has...

April Showers Bring Flooding and Drought Relief

We’re still cooling off and wringing out after one of our warmest and wettest Aprils on record. From Freezing to 90, Warm Weather Rushes In...

Warm Weather Bookends a Cool Mid-Month in March

After a warm, dry February, our temperatures and precipitation rebounded to near-normal levels in March. Winter’s Parting Shot Brings an Early Spring Cooldown February’s warm...