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May Flowers Wilt Amid Expanding Drought
It was a dry month for North Carolina in May, but also a cooler one with a unique high pressure pattern. The ongoing dry weather...
What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Drought
Moderate Drought conditions emerged in southeastern North Carolina last week, which was a rude reminder that it’s been a while since we’ve dealt with drought....
Scarce Showers in April Help Dryness Develop
A month of up-and-down temperatures also saw limited precipitation across the state. Plus, we review an eventful tropical off-season and preview the upcoming hurricane season....
Our New Website Offers Data on Demand, ECONet Insights
We’re proud to officially launch our new-look website today, and our current design is more than just a fresh coat of paint. Here’s an overview...
Spring Blooms in March, But Winter Wetness Lingers
Our new website launches next week, and we’re using it to help illustrate a warm March that dried out in some areas but remains generally saturated after our wet winter....
Winter Recap 2020-21: La Niña Lays Low in a Persistent Wet Winter
Chalk it up to atmospheric anomalies or a forecast without foresight. Either way, this winter defied expectations and drenched most of North Carolina for yet...
Want to Compete in March Madness? You Can, CoCoRaHS Style!
As any college basketball fan knows, the state of North Carolina tends to perform well in the month of March. But no matter which color...