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Dryness Creeps Back in During September

Monthly statistics for September 2013:Statewide Average Precipitation: 3.00 inches (36th driest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 69.1 degrees (42nd coolest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers Cool...

Summer 2013 Recap and Fall Outlook

If you’ve been in North Carolina for the last few years, you would be forgiven for thinking this summer felt almost out of place. The...

Cooler Temperatures Across NC in August

Monthly statistics for August 2013:Statewide Average Precipitation: 5.00 inches (0.17 inches above normal)Statewide Average Temperature: 74.6°F (1.3°F below normal)* Values generated from preliminary numbers A Wet, Cool...

A Soaking Wet Summer Continues in July

Monthly statistics for July 2013:Statewide Average Precipitation: 9.30 inches (very wet – 3rd wettest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 76.83 (in the middle – 60th coolest since 1895)*...

Halfway Through Summer… What Summer?

This week marks the halfway point for summer, and the first series of days in quite a while that have “typical” summer weather in North...

A Stormy June Sees Heavy Rain and Flooding

Monthly statistics for June 2013:Statewide Average Precipitation: 8.86 inches (2nd wettest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 73.8 (59th coolest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers Temperatures Mostly...

Nothing Could Be Finer: A Look Back at our Seasonable Spring

As anyone who spent time outdoors over the past few months can attest, the idyllic spring of 2013 is one for the memory banks, and...

May Remains Wet in Western North Carolina

Monthly statistics for May 2013:Statewide Average Precipitation: 4.47 inches (43rd wettest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 64.6°F (30th coldest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers Cool Start,...

Temperatures Moderate and Drought Abates in April

Monthly statistics for April 2013: Statewide Average Precipitation: 4.89 inches (18th wettest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 57.7°F (59th coldest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers Normal...