Cooler Temperatures Across NC in August

Monthly statistics for August 2013:
Statewide Average Precipitation: 5.00 inches (0.17 inches above normal)
Statewide Average Temperature: 74.6°F (1.3°F below normal)
* Values generated from preliminary numbers

A Wet, Cool Summer Continues

August in North Carolina was a continuation of the cool, wet conditions experienced in previous months. It didn’t rain quite as much, but temperatures continued to be below normal. Many locations across the state reported average monthly maximum temperatures that ranked in the top 5 coolest on record. Statesville’s average maximum temperature for August 2013 ranked as the coolest in its 106 year record, and Pisgah Forest (near Brevard) tied for coolest (71 years of record at that station).

Maximum temperature station rankings for August 2013. Rank is relative to each station’s individual period of record.

Rainfall was more moderate as compared to previous months, with the statewide average only slightly above normal. Eastern NC generally experienced below normal rainfall for the month, while western NC continued to see near- and above-normal precipitation. The wet summer has meant no drought, and no water supply concerns. Drier conditions in eastern NC have helped some crops, but many crops are still delayed or under disease pressures due to the cool, wet conditions.

Total precipitation for August 2013, based on estimates from NWS radar; data courtesy NWS/NCEP.
Percent of normal precipitation for August 2013, based on estimates from NWS radar; data courtesy NWS/NCEP.

Compared to July, August had much fewer storm and damage reports. Unlike the widespread flooding and heavy rain reports in July, August was relatively calm.

Local Storm Report Summary for August 2013; data courtesy NWS.