Throughout August and September 2019, we’ll remember the anniversaries of hurricanes that struck North Carolina 20 years ago, 30 years ago… and all the way back to 140 years in the past.

To bring a unique perspective about these storms, we’ve scoured the record books and historical reports for details that didn’t make the top news stories at the time, and talked to people across the state who saw the impacts first-hand.
This series won’t cover every storm to affect North Carolina. For example, we looked back at Fran on its 20-year anniversary a few years ago. However, it will tell the tales of several storms that shaped our state, from Hugo’s wind-whipped fury in the western Piedmont to Floyd’s flooding in the Coastal Plain and more.
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Posts in this Series:
- Few Traces Remain from “Wild and Terrific” 19th-Century Hurricanes (from August 19)
- Dennis Menaced the Coast and Set the Stage for Floyd (from September 12)
- Floyd’s Flooding Overwhelmed Eastern North Carolina (from September 16)
- How Howling Hugo Became the Western Piedmont’s Worst Hurricane (from September 23)
- A Tropical Trio in September 2004 Tested the Mountain Terrain (from October 9)
- Was Hazel North Carolina’s Worst-Case Hurricane? (from October 15)