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Winter Outlook 2013-14: Anatomy of a Winter Storm
This is the first part in our four-part 2013-14 winter outlook series. The first two posts this year will look back at some memorable major...
Temperatures Moderate and Drought Abates in April
Monthly statistics for April 2013: Statewide Average Precipitation: 4.89 inches (18th wettest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 57.7°F (59th coldest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers Normal...
Winter 2012-13 Recap
Back in December, we released our winter outlook that included our own winter forecast and the predictions of the woolly worm, farmers’ almanacs, and two...
Wind Chill Tells the Tale of Bitter Winter Conditions
For those cold winter days when the wind seems to bite at your skin, meteorologists have developed a way to quantify the hold that the...
When is it Most Likely to Snow?
With the threat of snow for much of North Carolina in the forecast, we wondered how typical was the timing of this event. We often...
Winter 2012-13 Pattern Update
To this point, the winter in 2012-13 has shown some potential for sending cold and wintry weather to North Carolina but has largely failed to...
Winter 2012-13 Outlook for North Carolina
Over the past two weeks, we have covered four different winter forecasting techniques, ranging from fun traditions (the woolly worm and farmers’ almanacs) to more...