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From Deluges to Droughts in 2021: the Weather Year in Review
Whether wet or dry, Mother Nature just couldn’t make up her mind in North Carolina last year. While 2021 was not particularly extreme in the...
October Bewitched by Warmth and Bedeviled by Drought Development
A paranormal October saw temperatures levitate above the historical average while precipitation mysteriously vanished, summoning the specter of drought back to North Carolina. Warm Weather...
Five Years Later, Five Lessons Learned from Matthew
It’s a rare storm that now stands out more for its similarities to, rather than its differences from, others in its era. Five years ago...
A Slow-Starting Summer Heated Up in August
Steamy summer weather settled in during August, while Fred’s heavy rain made for a wet month. That wrapped up a summer notable for its tropical...
Rapid Reaction: Fred Fosters Floods in Western NC
The third tropical storm to affect North Carolina in the past two months targeted the Mountains with heavy rainfall and flooding this week. Like Claudette...
An Extreme, Unusual 2020: the Weather Year in Review
The unprecedented aspects of 2020 included our climate in North Carolina, which the statistics show was an extreme year in our modern history. According to...
Rapid Reaction: Eta-Aided Rain Event Drenches NC
Amid a record-breaking hurricane season that has run up the score by repeatedly slam-dunking on the US coastline, it poured buckets in North Carolina yet again this...