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Rain Returns and Pollen Proliferates in a Warm March
It was a record wet March in parts of North Carolina, while the entire state experienced warm temperatures and the corresponding arrival of pollen season...
Smoke and Storms Fill the Skies in June
Cool and at times smoky conditions continued in June, while a week of showers and storms reversed the dry pattern we started the month with....
Rapid Reaction: Smoky Skies Create Unhealthy Air Quality
Our summer started not with sun but smoke last week, which yielded the most widespread hazardous air quality episode seen in many years across the...
Heat and Air Quality in 2022: Temperatures, Ozone Peaked in June
The foliage reaching its final form and the first freeze of the season – not to mention the calendar showing it’s now November – are...
April Had Transient Temperatures, Plentiful Pollen… but No Tornadoes
Temperatures last month were quite variable from day to day, while many areas missed out on rainfall and no tornadoes occurred in NC all month....
Air Quality Updates: What to Watch for in 2022
That feeling of spring in the air will soon be joined by powdery puffs of pollen, some sniffs of smoke, and potentially even occasional unhealthy...
AIR Tool Offers Air Quality and Weather Data, in Detail
The State Climate Office and the North Carolina Division of Air Quality (NCDAQ) have partnered to build a new monitoring tool for those times when...