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The December 2021 temperature summary infographic, highlighting the monthly average temperature, departure from normal, and comparison to historical and recent years

Unwrapping an Unseasonably Warm December

Holiday heat headlined our historically warm December, and despite late-month rainfall, it was a dry month overall. We also check in on how La Niña...
The November 2021 precipitation summary infographic, highlighting the monthly average temperature, departure from normal, and comparison to historical and recent years

Drought Degrades in Our Driest November in Decades

It was the driest November in a lifetime, with rainfall in retreat whether we were warm or cool. Drought has expanded and intensified after our...
A photo of smoke on Sauratown Mountain

Rapid Reaction: Fire on the Mountains

Amid our worst fall fire season in five years, two wildfires in the past month have stood out from their elevated perches atop the Piedmont’s...
A map of the most recent snow event bringing at least 6 inches to parts of North Carolina

Climate Curiosities: Our Last Big Snow Events

After a couple of lackluster winters in a row — and with an outlook that doesn’t exactly scream “snow days on the way!” — the...
A map of global sea surface temperature anomalies in October 2021

Winter Outlook 2021-22: La Niña, Take Two?

It’s not even Thanksgiving yet, but for some meteorologists, it’s feeling a bit like Groundhog Day. For the second year in a row, a La...
The October 2021 temperature summary infographic, highlighting the monthly average temperature, departure from normal, and comparison to historical and recent years

October Bewitched by Warmth and Bedeviled by Drought Development

A paranormal October saw temperatures levitate above the historical average while precipitation mysteriously vanished, summoning the specter of drought back to North Carolina. Warm Weather...

Five Years Later, Five Lessons Learned from Matthew

It’s a rare storm that now stands out more for its similarities to, rather than its differences from, others in its era. Five years ago...