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A satellite image of Ian as it approached the Carolinas on September 30.

Rapid Reaction: Windy, Wet Ian Sweeps Through North Carolina

The remnants of Hurricane Ian crossed the Carolinas on Friday and Saturday, completing the storm’s week-long zig-zagging journey through the Caribbean, across Florida, and eventually...
A photo of lightning damage to a roadway in Oakboro, NC

A Warm, Wet July Extends Our Steamy Summer

The heat held on in July, joined by locally heavy rainfall that improved drought conditions. We also review recent weather using the new Almanac feature...
A photo of blooming daffodils from Shelby, NC

Spring Sneaks In and the Coast Dries Out in February

January’s chill gave way to spring-like warmth in February, while dry conditions dominated across eastern North Carolina. We also look at the weather as told...

Showers Soak the State During a Stormy April

Plenty of April showers made for a wet month in North Carolina, and our weather pattern was also a cooler one with some gusty winds...

Was Hazel North Carolina’s Worst-Case Hurricane?

This is the final post in our “Stormy Summer” series looking back at some memorable hurricane anniversaries occurring in 2019. No discussion about North Carolina’s...