By Corey Davis and Sean HeuserOver the past month, we’ve been in the field nearly every day visiting our ECONet weather stations for some final fall maintenance. With our statewide... |Climate Blog, Events
By Corey Davis and Sean HeuserAlong with providing a rare sight in the skies, last week’s solar eclipse had a distinct impact on weather conditions in North Carolina. Our 40... |Climate Blog
By Corey DavisNext Monday, a total solar eclipse will be visible from parts of North Carolina for the first time in more than 47 years. A little... |Climate Blog, Climate Summary
By Corey Davis and Sean HeuserAfter a hot, wet spring, June was a bit cooler and slightly drier across much of the state. Below-Average Afternoon Highs Drive a Cool Month... |Climate Blog
By Andrew HendersonThis post is part of a series highlighting the summer projects from our office’s student research assistants. This part of the series is written by... |Climate Blog, News
By Sean HeuserOur first ECONet station on North Carolina’s Outer Banks was officially unveiled earlier this week at the Bald Head Island Conservancy (BHIC). Since it was... |Climate Blog, Climate Summary
By Corey DavisThis is the final part of our 2014 climate review. We wrap up our regional look around the state with the Mountains. Annual Overview Much... |Climate Blog, Climate Summary
By Corey DavisDecember was a fairly quiet month weather-wise, with temperatures running a few degrees above normal, especially in the west, and precipitation late in the month... |Climate Blog, Events
By Sean HeuserSometimes, looking at climate data on a daily basis always brings new and unexpected results. One such result occurred earlier in November when relative humidity...