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Summer Projects: Palmer Drought Severity Index
This post is part of a series highlighting the summer projects from our office’s undergraduate research assistants. The fourth part of this series is by...
Dryness Creeps Back in During September
Monthly statistics for September 2013:Statewide Average Precipitation: 3.00 inches (36th driest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 69.1 degrees (42nd coolest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers Cool...
Temperatures Moderate and Drought Abates in April
Monthly statistics for April 2013: Statewide Average Precipitation: 4.89 inches (18th wettest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 57.7°F (59th coldest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers Normal...
Record Rainfall in the Mountains in January
The statewide statistics below highlight the relative wetness and warmth in January 2013. But those statewide numbers represent an average of extremes. Let’s start with...
A Warmer, Wetter Start to Winter in December
December brought welcome precipitation and relatively warm temperatures to North Carolina. Let’s review precipitation patterns first. Western and eastern parts of the state did quite...