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Spring 2014 Started Cool, Finished Warm in NC

This is the second post in our 2014 summer outlook series. Today we review our spring temperatures, precipitation, drought, and severe weather. Statewide Average Precipitation:...

Lingering Wintry Weather Throughout a Cool March

With the arrival (finally!) of warmer temperature across the state during this first week of April, many may be quickly leaving the memory of March...

Winter 2013-14: By the Numbers

In North Carolina, we had a little bit of everything this winter, from frozen precipitation to severe storms, and from single-digit low temperatures to highs...

Snowy Weather but Typical Temperatures for February

Monthly statistics for February 2014:Statewide Average Precipitation: 3.27 inches (42nd driest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 42.12°F (60th warmest / 61st coldest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary...

Cold, Snowy Weather Dominates January

Monthly statistics for January 2014:Statewide Average Precipitation: 3.38 inches (52nd driest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 33.93°F (7th coldest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers A Cold...

December Brings a Wet End to a Wet Year

Monthly statistics for December 2013:Statewide Average Precipitation: 5.75 inches (12th wettest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 44.65°F (27th warmest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers Both minimum...

A Frigid End to Fall in November

Monthly statistics for November 2013:Statewide Average Precipitation: 3.84 inches (34th wettest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 47.32°F (26th coldest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers November Brings...

Cloudy Weather But Little Rain in October

Monthly statistics for October 2013:Statewide Average Precipitation: 2.34 inches (51st driest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 60.08°F (22nd coldest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers Cloudy October...