Staff and Students

Alyssa Griffin
Graduate Student
Alyssa Griffin is a second year graduate student at North Carolina State University in the Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences Department. She is investigating extreme precipitation in North Carolina and updating intensity-duration-frequency curves for different future climate scenarios under the advisement of Dr. Sarah Larson and Dr. Kathie Dello. Her research interests are broadly related to the societal impacts of climate change and extreme weather events. Alyssa graduated from Plymouth State University in 2023 where she earned her B.S. in Meteorology and Minors in Technical Mathematics and Sustainability.

Kaitlin Karaffa
Graduate Student
Kaitlin Karaffa is a PhD student at North Carolina State University in the Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department. Her work involves determining the physical impacts of droughts and how these events are being perceived by those residing in the Carolinas. Her research melds the physical and social science of drought events in North Carolina. Kaitlin also received her B.S. in Environmental Science as well as a minor in Meteorology from Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania (2020).

Lily Raye
Graduate Student
Lily Raye joined the State Climate Office in August 2022 as a graduate student. She is working with Dr. Kathie Dello and Dr. Timothy Glotfelty to analyze climatological extreme heat events in the Carolinas, and to assess the accuracy of heat metrics and warning systems. Her current research interests involve comparing heat index to Wet Bulb Globe Temperature and analyzing the societal impacts of extreme heat in North Carolina and the Southeastern US. She received a B.S. in Meteorology with a minor in mathematics from the University of Oklahoma in 2022.