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A Warm, Dry March Fans the Fire Season’s Flames
March saw stretches of spring-like weather on either side of a cold week, and generally dry conditions across the state that made for an active...
November’s Weather Buffet Spanned Warm to Wet, Chilled to Charred
This November, Mother Nature was an accommodating hostess, serving up weather both hot and frozen, with entrées moist and filling, or burnt to a crisp....
Rapid Reaction: Fire on the Mountains
Amid our worst fall fire season in five years, two wildfires in the past month have stood out from their elevated perches atop the Piedmont’s...
AIR Tool Offers Air Quality and Weather Data, in Detail
The State Climate Office and the North Carolina Division of Air Quality (NCDAQ) have partnered to build a new monitoring tool for those times when...
Dry Weather Dominates November Across North Carolina
Much of the state received less than an inch of rain last month, which led to expanding drought and impacts including multiple wildfires. Fall’s First...
NC Forest Service Attacks April’s Fires Using Lessons from the Past
The pattern change from our wet winter to a dry spring brought on one of North Carolina’s worst fire seasons in the last decade, with...
April Saw Fire, Little Rain, and Sunny, Seasonal Days
One ongoing dry pattern, two chilly mornings, and three wildfires were all parts of our April conditions in North Carolina. Spring-like Temperatures, Including Two Freezes...