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Arctic Air Invades in December, But Was It Too Cold for Snow?
This month’s climate summary highlights December’s surge of cold weather, ongoing dry conditions, and a new sensor being tested at one of our ECONet stations....
Leftovers to Chew On from November
Today’s climate summary takes a look at some notable weather headlines from the past month, as well what to look for from those storylines as...
October According to the ECONet
Over the past month, we’ve been in the field nearly every day visiting our ECONet weather stations for some final fall maintenance. With our statewide...
After Irma, Dry Weather Dominates in September
Our latest climate summary takes a focused look at the recent dry conditions across much of the state. Despite increasing activity in the tropics last...
April Showers Bring Flooding and Drought Relief
We’re still cooling off and wringing out after one of our warmest and wettest Aprils on record. From Freezing to 90, Warm Weather Rushes In...
Warm Weather Bookends a Cool Mid-Month in March
After a warm, dry February, our temperatures and precipitation rebounded to near-normal levels in March. Winter’s Parting Shot Brings an Early Spring Cooldown February’s warm...
Rapid Reaction: An Unusual Event for NC Drought Monitoring
It’s a tradition so well-established that you might not even know it happens. Every Thursday morning, the US Drought Monitor’s weekly assessment of conditions becomes...