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Leftovers to Chew On from November
Today’s climate summary takes a look at some notable weather headlines from the past month, as well what to look for from those storylines as...
October According to the ECONet
Over the past month, we’ve been in the field nearly every day visiting our ECONet weather stations for some final fall maintenance. With our statewide...
After Irma, Dry Weather Dominates in September
Our latest climate summary takes a focused look at the recent dry conditions across much of the state. Despite increasing activity in the tropics last...
By the Numbers: August and Summer 2017
In lieu of our typical climate summary post, we’re taking a condensed look at some stats from the past month and season. August Temperatures 75.16°F:...
The State Bakes During a Warm, Dry July
July featured the hottest weather of the year and a widespread lack of rainfall that helped Abnormally Dry conditions emerge for the first time in...
Five Burning Questions about the Second Half of 2017
We’re halfway through 2017, which means winter and spring are history and we’re at roughly the midway point of the summer. As we look ahead...
Extreme Heat Stays Away to Start the Summer
After a hot, wet spring, June was a bit cooler and slightly drier across much of the state. Below-Average Afternoon Highs Drive a Cool Month...