By Corey DavisDry weather dominated October, which led to drought expansion and intensification. Our average temperatures were near normal, balanced by warmer days and a few cool... |Climate Blog, Climate Summary
By Corey DavisMost of the past month was rain-free, and also cooler than normal with a mid-month freeze event. Those conditions were ideal for leaf color, but... |Climate Blog, Climate Summary
By Corey DavisA paranormal October saw temperatures levitate above the historical average while precipitation mysteriously vanished, summoning the specter of drought back to North Carolina. Warm Weather... |Climate Blog, Climate Summary
By Corey DavisThe past month included wet, windy weather along with warm temperatures and higher dew points that helped fog bedevil our October dawns. Dark and Stormy Nights (and Days) Multiple rainfall... |Climate Blog, Climate Summary
By Corey DavisOctober began with hundred-degree heat, but a mid-month pattern change brought some relief from the heat and widespread rainfall that led to drought improvement. Record... |Climate Blog, Climate Summary
By Corey DavisWe nearly felt all four seasons during October, including a warm start, a mid-month tropical storm, the eventual arrival of fall, and the first frost... |Climate Blog, Climate Summary
By Corey Davis and Sean HeuserOver the past month, we’ve been in the field nearly every day visiting our ECONet weather stations for some final fall maintenance. With our statewide... |Climate Blog, Climate Summary
By Corey DavisThe weather news in October was headlined by a single event: Hurricane Matthew. However, after the storm, dry weather took hold for the rest of... |Climate Blog, Climate Summary
By Corey DavisAfter record-setting rainfall early in the month, seasonable high temperatures took over for the rest of October. Seasonable Temperatures Reign After leaving the 80s and...