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A Warm, Wet November Concludes NC’s Wettest Fall

More rain in November continued this fall’s wet pattern. Mild Days, Warm Nights Elevate Temperatures While the waning daylight hours and fallen leaves made it...

November Wraps Up a Cool Fall for NC

November saw overall cool temperatures with wet weather late in the month for North Carolina. Record Lows Highlight a Cool Month Almost from start to...

A Frigid End to Fall in November

Monthly statistics for November 2013:Statewide Average Precipitation: 3.84 inches (34th wettest since 1895)Statewide Average Temperature: 47.32°F (26th coldest since 1895)* Values generated from preliminary numbers November Brings...

November 2012 was Cool and Very Dry

You may have noticed it hasn’t been raining much. The numbers from reporting gauges across the state would confirm that observation. November 2012 was dry...