Air Quality Monitoring
The State Climate Office has a history of partnership with the North Carolina Division of Air Quality. Both groups have a shared mission to monitor atmospheric conditions across the state, to share that data and its applications to health and safety, and to inform and educate the public.
In our latest collaboration with NC DAQ, we have co-developed a comprehensive Air Quality Portal for the state of North Carolina. This website houses a variety of data and resources relevant to air quality, including:
- A homepage widget to display air quality and weather forecasts for a user’s location
- The Ambient Information Reporter (AIR) tool, which includes historical and current air quality and meteorology observations and monitoring stations, along with NC DAQ’s air quality forecasts
- An updated Wind Rose tool for weather stations in North Carolina
- An Air Quality Blog written by NC DAQ forecasters

Through this partnership, our offices are making monitoring data more accessible than ever, and helping to better share and explain the science and climatology behind air quality in North Carolina.