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How Howling Hugo Became the Western Piedmont’s Worst Hurricane
This is the fourth post in our “Stormy Summer” series looking back at some memorable hurricane anniversaries occurring in 2019. Well inland from the tempest-tossed...
For Duke Energy, No Shelter from Hugo’s Storm
Thirty years ago, Hurricane Hugo tested nearly every aspect of our infrastructure in the Carolinas. Trees and power lines snapped in the storm’s winds, cutting...
Farmers Felt Floyd’s Full Force, Beginning in Onslow County
Perhaps the most famous pictures taken during Hurricane Floyd were not of people but of pigs. Aerial shots showed hog farms flooded by the storm,...
Floyd’s Inundation Along the Tar River Spurred a Call to Action
Rob Lipford knew it was an unusual event when even the water in his yard was seeking higher ground. At his home in Rocky Mount,...
Floyd’s Flooding Overwhelmed Eastern North Carolina
This is the third post in our “Stormy Summer” series looking back at some memorable hurricane anniversaries occurring in 2019. Out of almost 150 years...
Dennis Menaced the Coast and Set the Stage for Floyd
This is the second post in our “Stormy Summer” series looking back at some memorable hurricane anniversaries occurring in 2019. Before the tropical terror that...
Rapid Reaction: Dorian Drenches and Damages the Coast
After a day-long trip up our coastline, Hurricane Dorian departed North Carolina with a brief landfall at Cape Hatteras and a trail of damage left...