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Leftovers to Chew On from November

Today’s climate summary takes a look at some notable weather headlines from the past month, as well what to look for from those storylines as...

The SCOfficial 2017-18 Winter Outlook

If you don’t trust the likes of weather folklore with your winter forecast, here’s a closer look at some environmental factors that might influence our...

Winter Folklore Hints at When Snow Might Arrive

Whether you’re an ardent believer in their forecasts or just an interested outside observer, the colorful collection of weather folklore provides plenty to talk about...

October According to the ECONet

Over the past month, we’ve been in the field nearly every day visiting our ECONet weather stations for some final fall maintenance. With our statewide...

After Irma, Dry Weather Dominates in September

Our latest climate summary takes a focused look at the recent dry conditions across much of the state. Despite increasing activity in the tropics last...

By the Numbers: August and Summer 2017

In lieu of our typical climate summary post, we’re taking a condensed look at some stats from the past month and season. August Temperatures 75.16°F:...