NCSCO at AMS 2024

State Climate Office presentations at the American Meteorological Society’s Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD

Title DateSession + RoomPresentation Type
Flash Drought Occurrence in the Coastal Carolinas Could Increase in the Future. What Does That Mean for Carolina Oyster Farmers?

Kaitlin Karaffa*
Wed, Jan 31

2:30 PM
38th Conference on Hydrology – Session 11A – Flash Drought Monitoring, Predictability, and Impacts in a Changing Climate – Oral II

Room 318/319
Oral Presentation
Observing Surface Temperatures Across Various Land Use Types Using UAS Thermal Remote Sensing

Myleigh Neill
Wed, Jan 31

11:00 AM
24th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation – Session 10 – Integrating Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) into Meteorology
Room 341
Oral Presentation
Improving Climate Resiliency and Fluency in Rural North Carolina: A Partnership with Albemarle Regional Health Services

Haven Cashwell*
Monday, Jan 29

2:00 PM
19th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice

Hilton Holiday 4
Oral Presentation
Preliminary Climatology and Utility of Near-Surface Temperature Inversion Monitoring in North Carolina

L.B. LaForce
Mon, Jan 29,

3:00 PM
24th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation

Hall E
A Comparison of Downscaling Methods to Create Future Precipitation Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Resilient Transportation within North Carolina

Jared Bowden
Tues, Jan 30

9:30 AM
Joint Session with the 38th Conference on Hydrology and 37th Conference on Climate Variability and Change

Oral Presentation
Assessing Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Extreme Heat for Impact-Based Heat Early Warning Systems in the Carolinas

Lily Raye*
Wed, Jan 31

3:00 PM
37th Conference on Climate Variability and Change

Hall E
Effectively Communicating Heat Stress Using Wet Bulb Globe Temperature and the North Carolina Environment and Climate Observing Network

Sean Heuser
Tue, Jan 30

1:45 PM
28th Conference on Applied Climatology

Key 10
Oral Presentation
Investigating Climate Related Changes to Chill Hours in North Carolina Utilizing Mesonet Observations

Timothy Glotfelty
Tue, Jan 31

8:30 AM
28th Conference on Applied Climatology

Key 10
Oral Presentation
*Also indicates NOAA Carolinas Climate Adaptation Partnership (CAP/RISA) presentation