5th NCA Regional Event: Southeast
The authors of the Southeast Chapter of the 5th National Climate Assessment and the US Global Change Research Program invite you to NC State University in beautiful Raleigh, NC on April 3, 2024 for a regional workshop.
This workshop is hosted by the State Climate Office of North Carolina at NC State University.

Event date: April 3, 2024
Event location: Talley Student Union, Mountains Ballroom, NC State University, Raleigh, NC
Event schedule (full agenda will be posted here in coming weeks):
9:00a – 12:00p: Workshop for researchers to talk to NCA authors about key findings from NCA5, any items that were missed, and how to set up the NCA6 team for success
12:00 – 12:45p: Networking lunch for researchers and practitioners (RSVP required)
1:00p – 4:00p: Workshop for practitioners to discover strategies for integrating NCA5 content into your work and community
Registrants will have their choice of one session (researcher or practitioner), with a hosted networking lunch for all in between. The morning and afternoon sessions are capped at 150 registrants. We will maintain an active waitlist.
Why can I only attend one session?
We recognize that many of you identify as researchers and practitioners, but we are choosing to maximize our time and programming by hosting two workshops on April 3. Please choose the session that you believe best fits your interest. The hosted lunch is a great time to mix and mingle across the workshops.
Is this only for folks in the Research Triangle Region?
No! We welcome and encourage participants from anywhere in the NCA5 Southeast Region.
Can you cover my travel?
Unfortunately, we do not have funding to support participant travel.
Where should I park?
Great question! As we know, parking on college campuses is at a premium. We will be holding this meeting right in the heart of Spring Semester on a busy campus. There are two paid visitor lots in walking distance to Talley Student Union for $15/day. There are free park and ride lots (need to claim free permit). If you’re in the Raleigh area we encourage carpooling or using the GoRaleigh or Wolfline buses (both free of charge).
I have a question you haven’t answered!
Reach out to sco@climate.ncsu.edu