Hurricane & Tropical Storm Information
Tropical Storm Helene – National Hurricane Center
Hurricane Information + Links
NC Department of Public Safety
NC Emergency Management
- NC FIMAN (Flood Mapping)
- X/Twitter
NC Department of Transportation
- (Latest road conditions)
- Travel Resources
NC State Extension
NC State Climate Office
National Weather Service Offices covering North Carolina

- Northeast NC: Wakefield, VA
- X/Twitter: @NWSWakefieldVA
- Eastern NC: Morehead City, NC
- X/Twitter: @NWSMoreheadCity
- Southeast NC: Wilmington, NC
- X/Twitter: @NWSWilmingtonNC
- Central NC: Raleigh, NC
- X/Twitter: @NWSRaleigh
- Northwest NC: Blacksburg, VA
- X/Twitter: @NWSBlacksburg
- Southwest NC: Greenville/Spartanburg, SC
- X/Twitter: @NWSGSP
- Cherokee and Clay Counties: Morristown, TN
- X/Twitter: @NWSMorristown
- X/Twitter: @NWSMorristown